Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Blogger on New Faith

Okay, it's official. I decided to be a blogger. I thought that since I sit here and read everyone else's, maybe I will take time to write my own. Plus, I love to write, especially my thoughts. It's obvious that I have time on my hands, so why not use it wisely. I am not sure what I want to blog about, except that I do pray that it would edify and change the lives of my readers in some kind way. Maybe I will create a theme-type of blog.

Today is day one, and before I begin, I want give a shout out to my 2 favorite bloggers, of course, my pastor, Pastor Steve Coronna and Pastor Jamie Tobler. I read their blogs almost everyday. It helps me to stay connected to their hearts as I serve and pray for them daily.

Okay what to blog about? Oh, I know. How about FAITH. That's been a Hot topic everywhere I turn, and is something that is truly developing in me and challenging me all at the same time. FAITH - "The ability to perceive as real fact what has not yet been revealed to your senses". I have been walking with the Lord most of my entire life. All I ever knew was Bible, church, and more Bible and church. But in all of that, I did not know a thing about Faith. Not that I did not have situations in my life where I needed faith. I was able to overcome some serious stuff probably just by the Grace of God. It was surely not because of the faith that I know now.

If you really knew me like my husband and 2 best friends do, you would know that I was an undercover-fear-toting-basket-case. (It runs in the family.) Over the years, fear had consumed me in most every area of my life. I am sure I was good a candidate for one of those anti-anxiety medications. Satan had a serious stronghold. Not by bringing all kinds of crazy fears into my life, but by hoodwiking me to the point that the full understanding (revelation) of faith was hidden from me. What a sneaky little thing He is.

One day I briefly shared my issue with Pastor Steve, and before I could finish, he sent his then assistant, Jenn Tobler, into the bookstore to get/GIVE me a copy of his teachings on "Extreme Faith". It totally changed my life more than I could tell you. It is way too much to blog about, but what I will do is sum it up the way Pastor Steve did. Some of us walk by hope while others walk by faith. There is a difference and most of people I know are walking by hope.

As I continue to build my faith towards an extreme point, join me by listening to the teachings on Extreme faith by Pastor Steve. I guarantee you that your life will never be the same.
For Pastor Steve's teaching visit Click on the bookstore.


Cindy Rice said...

you go, girl - I'll be checking in regularly! Whenever I see you, I always leave with a nugget I can use - I'm sure your blog entries will be no different!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging world. I am excited to see what you will be posting about. This was a great start. Im glad you got a hold of this faith thing. You really a great woman of God.